”WorkLife” – Your brain, the strongest muscle in your body?
It´s been a while but I do only write when I feel like I need or want to, it will never be a demand. Today I felt that I wanted to write and share my thoughts about ”the POWER of the brain and your thoughts”
A couple of days ago we saw this documentary ”Elitidrottens vetenskap” https://www.svtplay.se/elitidrottens-vetenska
Michael Johnson is looking into if the evolution of the human body has made us faster and stronger, or if it´s the technology that has made us better in sports. They show a lot of interesting things and I can recommend it. They do talk with some successful athletes and they say one thing in common. ” You need to be mentally strong to be able to push yourself to this level”. The power of our thoughts is a very exciting topic, and I do believe that we all (athlete or not) would be stronger and more healthy if we would train our brain as much as we train our body.
When I coach I do not only coach a body´s movement, I will coach my clients movement and thoughts because they have to be integrated. As they say in this program, the power of your thoughts is unexplored and unlimited. Humans have done a lot of tests and science of the physical body, as well on our brain but I believe there is so much more to discover about the power of it.
I have been coached by my mother in law, who is a mental coach and behavioral scientist. I´m so happy I did those hours, and I will do more, because our brain is a muscle and you can train it to be stronger in the direction you want it to. I will never stop moving and train my body, so why would I stop train my brain and thoughts? Because I´m complete? I don´t think so, you can always develop new skills and get more knowledge about how your thoughts, feelings and body works. That can´t be a bad thing, right?
Sometimes when I talk to clients, family or friends they say ”this is me, deal with it or leave it”. If they have done something ”wrong” or if you get in a discussion about behaviors, they say ”that´s how I am”. In some situations the attitude of ”deal with it or live it” is good, but if you as a person work and deal with people, spend time with friends and family and aren´t interested in how you can work with your behavior and thoughts, I feel a bit sad. Because if you get to know yourself better you can develop new skills in how to communicate better with your surroundings. Also you will create a stronger I, and how to deal with ”this is ME, and that is YOU”.
When I get angry, ill-tempered or sad/disappointed, I ask myself ”who owns this problem?” It´s always easier to change myself, my thoughts and behavior, then to try to change the person next to you, who doesn´t see the problem. So the answer is I. I own the problem, and I can do something to change the situation!
If you have not been to a mental coach, go and see one! Beacuse you will get tools that will make your life a lot easier and you might find powers you didn´t knew you had 😉